
一般外國學位生-申請資訊(Admission information)


依「外國學生來臺就學辦法」第6條第3項規定,本校辦理外國學生招生事務,除宣傳推廣及協助學生辦理來臺相關必要程序外,並未委由校外機構、法人 、團體或個人辦理。
In accordance with the provisions of Article 6, Item 3 of the "Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan", our university that handle the recruitment of international students are not permitted to commission any external institution, legal person, group, or individual to handle related matters except publicity and promotion, and to assist students coming to Taiwan undertake the necessary related procedures.

招生資訊/Admission information
項目 內容
(Application Date and Method)
  1. 申請日期(Application Due Date)
    Fall semester: Application is due on August 31st, 2024.
    Spring Semester: Application is due on January 15th, 2025.
  2. 入學時間(Enrollment Date)
    Fall Semester, September 19th, 2024
    Spring Semester, February 20th, 2025
  3. 入學時間與修業年限(Enrollment Date and Study Period)
    學士班為四至六年 Bachelor Degree Programs: 4 to 6 years
    碩士班為二至四年 Master’s Degree Programs: 2 to 4 years
(Language Proficiency)
  1. 申請入學本校中文授課之系所時,申請者華測成績需達二級(TOCFL A2),並提供華測成績證明。
    When applying for admission to the programs taught by Chinese, the applicant has toreach Level Two of TOCFL and submit the proof of language proficiency.
  2. 申請入學本校全英文授課或 EMI 英文課程時,申請者英語能力測驗需達CEFRB1,提供相關之英語測驗成績證明。
    When applying for admission to the programs taught in English (or EMI) , the applicant has to reach CEFR B1, and submit the proof of language proficiency.
(Financial Statement)
  1. 已獲獎助學金者,請提供政府、學校機關或民間機構獎學金證明。
    Applicants who have already received scholarships must provide proof ofscholarship from the government, school authorities or private institutions.
  2. 非獲得獎學金之申請者,須提供足夠在臺就學之銀行存款證明新臺幣100,000元以上(或美金 3,330 元)。
    Applicants who have not received a scholarship must provide proof of bank deposits of at least NT$100,000 (or US$3,330) for their studies in Taiwan.
(standard of withdrawal and refund for students)
龍華科技大學學雜費退費標準 (standard of withdrawal and refund for students of LHU)
(一) 大學部 Undergraduate students
  1. 全班前5%者,得申請免收一學期學雜費。
    Those who are in top 5% of their class may apply for onesemester free tuition fees.
  2. 全班前10%者,得申請免收50%一學期學雜費。
    Those who are in top 10% of their class may apply for a reduction of 50% in one-semester tuition fees.
  3. 全班前20%者,得申請免收25%一學期學雜費。
    Those who are in top 20% of their class may apply for a reduction of 25% in one-semester tuition fees.
(二) 研究所 Graduate students
  1. 前一學期平均成績達90分,為該班第一名,且該班人數達6人,得申請免收一學期學雜費。
    Student who has an average grade of 90 for the last semester and is ranked top number one in the class which has at least 6 students may apply for one-semester free tuition fees.
  2. 前一學期平均成績達85分,為該班前二名者,且該班人數達9人,得申請免收50%一學期學雜費。
    Student who has an average grade of 85 for the Last semester and is ranked top number two in the class which has at least 9 students may apply for a reduction of 50% in one-semester tuition fees.
  3. 前一學期平均成績達80 分,為該班前三名,且該班人數達12人,得申請免收25%一學期學雜費。
    Student who has an average grade of 80 for the last semester and is ranked top number three in the class which has at least 12 students may apply for a reduction of 25% in one-semester tuition fees.
The actual number and amount of scholarships may be adjusted by the Admissions Committee of the University.